
Super easy 4th of July decor!!!

I wanted something for my front door for the 4th of July,
so I whipped this together in maybe 10 minutes!

I was at Joann's browsing around the other day and saw these 4th of July gummy things. (They are the things you stick in your window) Anyway, they were 60% off, so I grabbed them.

I got home and found this old frame that I had stored away and threw thing window clings on it, then added some ribbon and it was done!!!

I love it!!
And the best part about it was, it cost me maybe $3, and took maybe 10 minute...and that is pushing it!!
I absolutely LOVE the 4th of July!!!


  1. This is so darn cute! What a great way to use those stick-ums. Genious!

  2. How cute and smart!!! Love it! Thanks for sharing at the Tuesday To Do Party! Can't wait to see what you link this week!


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