
Re-purposing: Shirt to Cardigan

I have a HUGE stash of clothes that I don't wear anymore, but don't want to give away (Heaven's no)...and have an idea of what I want to do with every single last one of em!!

But they have sat in a pile for months....and months....

But I am proud to say this week I have gotten several of them done...this being one of them.

I took this plain Jane, black, long sleeve shirt and cut it right down the middle!

If you couldn't picture that...well here is a picture to show you!

Then I took this other black polo shirt that I haven't worn in months...maybe years and cut it up!

I cut it in strips, starting from the bottom...oh and I saved the top part, because yes, I have a plan for it too! Waste not...want not....
I sewed all those strips together and then ruffled them by sewing a large basting stitch at the top and pulling the bottom thread to create ruffles.
I did it in about 2 foot increments. Don't try and sew it all the way down and think you can pull that bottom thread for the whole thing...won't work! I have learned this the hard way!

With what I had left over in ruffles I made this flower and pinned it on!

I HATE modeling...and I think all my neighbors think I am weird...or vain. I feel funny having my daughter take pictures of me, I am sure they think I am so vain!
I do love how it turned out though...even if my husband said I look like I am going to play in a concert...what a weirdo! :)


  1. I think you look so cute! I love how it turned out!

  2. How in the world did you come up with this idea? It looks amazing and you are a very cute and tiny model!

  3. Very cute! I just cut a shirt down the middle today to do the same thing. Thanks for the inspiration to finish it!

  4. Found you through the Sunday Showcase and am a new follower! This is a great idea! I like how you have a plan for every scrap! I now have a shirt in mind- it is too big for me now, but I can make something like you did and keep it! Thanks for the idea. I hope that you have timeto follow my life in South Africa here at http://withoutcomplexities.blogspot.com


  5. How FUN is THAT!? :) I love it. Good Job!


  6. Such a cute refashion!

  7. I need more cardigans in my life. Thanks! I have the same fear about how silly I must look to my neighbors when I'm taking photos of my creations. Oh well! They probably don't even notice, right?

  8. Great repurpose! LOL about your daughter taking your photos. My daughter has that job, too.

  9. What a great idea! It turned out so cute and looks so comfortable! :) Thanks for sharing!

  10. I've been wanting to do this for a while but was too chicken. I'm a teacher and cardigans are my go to wardrobe:) I'm trying this TODAY!

  11. I love your ruffled cardigan! I have so many shirts I could do this to but have been afraid I'd end up ruining them. You've inspired me!

  12. love it! I plan on trying it out after I take a trip to the thrift store sometime soon. Oh, and after I get a sewing machine at college with me.

    I also do a lot of sewing and I like what I'm seeing of your blog! check me out at venturingintodiy.blogspot.com if you want!

  13. This is so adorable. And you look SO cute in it. Thanks for sharing this great idea!

    Warmly, Michelle

  14. I love how it turned out! Great job!!

  15. This is great! I've been searching your blog to see if you have an Etsy shop. You really should sell these. I'd love one! I enjoyed your Scripture Bag too. :)

  16. K that is the best idea! I totally did something like this with and old shirt and a dress. If you want to check it out, here's the link! http://rolledupprettyandcutoffthoughts.blogspot.com/2011/06/holey-shirt-ghetto-dress-do-over.html
    I'm definitely trying this cardigan this week :) Thanks so much for sharing! I found your blog through Creative Itch, have an excellent day!

  17. thanks for the post! I've been wanting to refashion one of my old shirts but feel like some details are needed. And now ruffles are perfect. :D

  18. Your so talented to come up with that cool dress. You've turned that not much used tshirt into a wonderful one!

  19. This is seriously adorable!! I've linked up my blog to your project - can't wait to try it!


  20. thanks for linking to Take-A-Look Tuesday - I featured you today!! - - Mandy, www.SugarBeeCrafts.com

  21. i forgot to mention, you were also the most viewed link!

  22. Just featured you today!!!
    Check it out! http://threeyearsofdeath.blogspot.com/2011/07/feature-favs-4.html
    Love this project!!


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