My husband's best friend from high school and his wife just recently found out that their sweet little girl, Paige, has a brain tumor. They are in Salt Lake City at Primary Children's Medical Center with her and will be there until December giving her chemotherapy. I have been so sad for them and praying a ton, hoping there baby can be strong and get through this. We recently went to a fundraiser for them, that went really well. I wanted to make them something that might help get them through this hard time. I came up with this:
I love this has helped me through some hard times.

All you need to do is paint around the edges and the back of it. Let it completely dry.

Then with a finger that has no glue on it make sure that you press it completely flat with no bubbles. I just kept running my fingers over it for a couple of minutes.

Then use a mini roller to mod podge the top of the picture. I like the look of the roller over a brush, but you can use a brush as well.

I absolutely love how it turned out! I want one for myself. One thing that I have learned is that we all go through hard times, but we can get through anything with the help of our Heavenly Father. We can all do hard things. I wish the best of luck to Paige and we will keep her in our prayers!