My son turned 7 this last week, and so we did a birthday party for him on Saturday!
It was actually so much fun....and the weather couldn't have been more perfect!
It was actually so much fun....and the weather couldn't have been more perfect!

I did a light saber out of cupcakes.
You can't really see, but the bottom 3 have grey frosting and the rest are green!

And these were a huge hit! They absolutely loved them!
I just took swimming noodles, cut them in half and wrapped black and silver duct tape around the bottom!

We had a couple of surprise guests come and fight the Jedi nights!
The first was Darth Vader!!!
The first was Darth Vader!!!

Very Scary!!

I actually made this costume several years ago when my son was this size!

Then we did the Darth Vader pinada!!

The kids had a lot of fun doing different games with the light sabers.
We also played freeze tag with star wars stickers. The person that was it, had a sheet of stickers and if you got tagged with a sticker you had to freeze until another player pulled off your sticker!
So much fun!!

so cute! love the idea of sticker tag! genius!