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Cleaning tips!

Once in awhile I will happen onto something that I feel is worth while to pass on.
So, I have decided to try and do a "cleaning tip" post every so often.

The other day I was at our church playing volleyball with some of my friends, when my daughter collided with another little girl. She was thrown back into the corner of the door, and in the process ended up with a pretty good size gash on her head. You know how head wounds bleed, so she had a good amount of blood on her shirt.
Well, I my sister in law had told me that hydrogen peroxide will take out blood on clothes.
So I put it to the test.
We had blood all over this one shirt that was fairly new, so I didn't want to get rid of it quite yet.
I took some H. P. and poured it directly onto the stains.
It bubbled up, and then I took a wet rag and scrubbed it, and then rinsed it under cold water.
To my amazement, all the blood came out!!!
It worked!
I wish I had taken a was awesome!

I know H.P. has a lot of good uses. I am a believer in it now.
I actually have some in a squirt bottle that I keep to spray counters down.
I mixed it 50/50 with water
(this is me in my kitchen....I is always pandemonium in my kitchen...who's kitchen looks like this???)

You can use it in laundry (instead of bleach)
to wash produce
and supposedly you can spray it in your hair to give you natural highlights!
I have never tried I can't tell you if it works, but it sounds neat!

So, there you have first cleaning tip!!! Just be careful using it!!!
I don't want any accidents....yikes!


Friday Favorites

So I have decided on Fridays, I am going to start posting my favorite projects that I have seen throughout the week.

These rainbow waffles are so cute! I am obsessed with rainbows right now because we are in the middle of planning a care bear birthday party and rainbows and care bears go hand in hand!
Check it out Here

We are totally doing these for the birthday party! They are perfect!!
Click Here to get the recipe

Isn't this head band darling. I am going to have to try this!
You can find the Here

This is a really fun paper rosette wreath.
You can find the tutorial hereWhat a darling idea this tree book shelf is! I love it!
Click Here to find the tutorial

I must be hungry because these brownies look sooo good! I am a huge fan of cheesecake and brownies, so why not put them together?
You can find the recipe Here

I love these St. Patrick's blocks! You can find them Here

More cute rainbow stuff! Find out how to make these Here

These are so sweet! They would be perfect in my girls room!
Click Here to see how she made them.


Ruffle Ribbon headband

I fell in love with this headband. I think it is such a fun idea, and something different.

This is how I made it:

I started with just a plain head band from dollar tree.
Some left over ribbon from a previous project.
(It is the kind of ribbon with wire on both sides.)

I just started wrapping thread around the ribbon and head band to hold it in place.
About every 1-2 inches I would wrap the thread around the ribbon and kind of puff it up.

Keep doing that all the way around the headband.

I love this, I seriously am going to go buy a ton of different kinds of this ribbon and make more of these.

It was like pulling teeth to get these pictures of her!!!

This great idea came from Here

Potpourri holders

I have seen these all over the internet, so I don't know who to give credit to. I would like to give credit to the original idea, so if it is you please let me know.

I fell in love with them and had to make a set of my own.

I just went to the dollar store and picked up 2 candle stick holders and 2 vases.
I then hot glued the candle sick holders to the bottom of the vases.
I was at Ross and found this potpourri and thought it would be perfect for my vases.

I thought they would be perfect addition to my piano!


St. Patrick's Day shirts

I decided to make some St. Patrick's day out fits for my kids. I actually made them last year, so I don't have a picture tutorial. But I will do my best to explain how I did them. Of coarse, they are super simple or I wouldn't have taken them on!

I was in Walmart and they had some long sleeve turtle necks for $1.00.
So I snatched up some different sizes and colors.

I just cut off the turtle neck part, leaving about 1/4 in.
I then took part that I just took off and cut it into about 1 in. strips.
Then I took the strips and sewed a wide basting stitch down the center.
Then pull your top thread, and it will start to ruffle.
I pinned it along the neckline as I went
After it is all in place then I sewed down the middle of the ruffle.
Pretty simple!

For the shamrock, I just took my material and cut out a shamrock. Then using some fusible interfacing, I just ironed on the shamrocks. I did a stitch around the outside of all the shamrocks as well.

For this shirt, I took some white felt and cut out a shamrock and ironed it to the green fabric using the fusible interfacing as well. Then I sewed that onto an old white T-shirt.
I made these bows the same way that I made the St. Patrick's bow Here.
Here is the back of the bow.

I actually took these pictures last year for St. Patrick's Day, so my baby is a lot smaller here. They can all still wear them this year because I did them big on purpose. I didn't want to have to make more this year!

My daughter was sick with strep throat here. I know I am mean making her dress up for pictures, but I had to get her in her shirt I made her! She actually did pretty darn good for her photo shoot! cute!!! I can't wait to dress them up this year!!


St. Patrick's burlap bow

First of all, I am not a model, I don't proclaim to be and I absolutely hate these pictures of myself, but this is what you get!
Second, sorry about the little blur spot on all of my pictures. I didn't notice it until they were all taken and uploaded! I'm too lazy to redo them!

Anyhow, here is a tutorial for this burlap bow! It is a fun bow to make!

To make the flowers for the bow. Start with a square piece of fabric. For bigger flowers cut a bigger square, or smaller for smaller bows.

Fold in half

Then fold in half again!

Then fold the bottom right corner up to meat the top left corner. It should look like this.

Then take your sissors and cut a half circle

It should look like this when you are done cutting. Sorry it is such a small picture.

After you unfold it, it should look like a flower.

Then I did some with burlap. Doing different sizes so I could stack them.

Here it is after I layered them.

Now Glue each layer on top of the other.

I took my clip and covered it with ribbon and hot glued it to the back of the bow.

Then I took a button and covered it with Elmer's glue and then sprinkled glitter over it. I let it dry and then glued a gem on.

This literally took me 5 minutes!

This would look so much cuter on my daughters!!!