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Freezer Meals....

I hope everyone had a great Easter! We enjoyed having family over! It is always fun to get together with family!

This week I am going to dedicate this week to doing freezer meals!

I tried doing freezer meals a couple of months ago, and I swore I would never do it again!!!
I have to admit, the few days that I did it was HECK!!!!

But....totally worth it!
It was so nice on those busy days, that you have absolutely no time to cook, to know that there is something in the freezer that you can just pop right in the oven and whallaaaa!
Dinner served!!!
And the best part is hardly no clean up!

So, this week I am going to attempt this again, because we are all out and I have been fixing dinner every night and frankly I hate it.

So bite the bullet with me and lets do these freezer meals together!!!

I got most of my meal ideas from Fabulously Frugal. She has an awesome guide on how to do this and tons of ideas!!!!

Today, I encourage you to make your menu, decide what you want to do first and then make your shopping list.
One of the hardest things was to go shopping! I spend a lot of money, but I know this will last us for a lot of meals!

You will not regret this....when it is all done and you are enjoying it in a week anyway!!!

If you really want to make it easy on yourself, they have made the menu and your shopping list Here!!

Oh, and I usually make a huge batch of bread and make bread sticks, rolls, and french bread and freeze them.
Also, I like to make cookies, muffins, waffles, pancakes and keep them frozen as well, for fast and easy breakfasts!

And last of all, if you want to watch a video that might inspire you a little, Hip2save has a fabulous video you can watch, just click Here!

Also she did a great video Here, that I LOVE the casserole she shows here and the Mexican rice!!
Go check them out!

So get ready to start tomorrow!!!!

1 comment:

  1. We did freezer meals before my son was born and they were so fantastic! I keep meaning to do it again, but it gets tricky with a 2 yr old running around!
