Link parties


Yummy white bread

This is our favorite bread recipe! It is very good and it is so fast!

White bread

Mix in large bowl
5 cups hot water
4 T. yeast
4 T. sugar
4 T. oil
4 tsp. salt
12 cups flour

Mix and knead for 15 minutes, form into bread loafs, let rise for 10 minutes, bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes or until browned all around.

We like to make part of it into french bread since it makes such a large batch.

And with what is left over, I like to make into bread-sticks, which are my kids favorite!


  1. Oh, how I love fresh beautiful bread out of the oven slathered in buttah! I think I gained 20 lbs one summer baking bread everyday and eating it :O). Serious.

    I think the thing I'm most amazed by this recipe is the fact that it only has to raise once and for only 10 minutes! That is fantastic!!

  2. That looks amazing! Really- so quick? I'm going to have to try this before it gets too hot (I hate heating up my kitchen in the summer! How many loves would you say this creates?

    Thanks for sharing-

  3. This looks so much better than the store bought version and I am sure it tastes a 1000 times better!!

    This is PERFECT for my new weekly linky party - Foodie Friday! If you got a sec, please link up!

    Found you on Dittle Dattle!

  4. Thanks for sharing- I like that it is fast. I always have shyed away from baking my own bread because I didn't want it to take all day. Can't wait to try it!
