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"I can do hard things" plaque

My husband's best friend from high school and his wife just recently found out that their sweet little girl, Paige, has a brain tumor. They are in Salt Lake City at Primary Children's Medical Center with her and will be there until December giving her chemotherapy. I have been so sad for them and praying a ton, hoping there baby can be strong and get through this. We recently went to a fundraiser for them, that went really well. I wanted to make them something that might help get them through this hard time. I came up with this:

I love this has helped me through some hard times.

This is what it looks like all wrapped up as a gift.

I printed my picture at Costco, and got the plaque at Walmart.

All you need to do is paint around the edges and the back of it. Let it completely dry.

When it is dry glue your picture on the board

Then with a finger that has no glue on it make sure that you press it completely flat with no bubbles. I just kept running my fingers over it for a couple of minutes.

Then use a mini roller to mod podge the top of the picture. I like the look of the roller over a brush, but you can use a brush as well.

Make sure that you get the sides as well.

Then I added the vinyl saying that I wanted, and then mod podge over the whole thing again.

Then I hot glued some ribbon on the back for it to hang.

And added a bow

I absolutely love how it turned out! I want one for myself. One thing that I have learned is that we all go through hard times, but we can get through anything with the help of our Heavenly Father. We can all do hard things. I wish the best of luck to Paige and we will keep her in our prayers!


  1. I love it!! You are so awesome. Where did you get the picture?

  2. This is just gorgeous. Your friend will absolutely love it! Such a difficult thing to go brother and his little son went through cancer at the same time - Primary Childrens is the best place your friend could be, they are amazing up there! I agree, Heavenly Father will help them through this time and they will feel his love and blessings pouring down.

  3. this is adorable... so sad though for your friend. they will be in my prayers :)

  4. I absolutely LOVE this! I don't think you could have thought of a better gift! Thank you for sharing and I will add your little friend to my prayer list :-( So heartbreaking...

  5. I LOVE THIS!!!This is fabulous!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I LOVE this, so beautiful and thoughtful.

    Will be praying for sweet Paige!!

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about your friends...I can't imagine that pain they are going through. That plaque turned out beautiful and I'm sure it will provide a great deal of comfort for them in this stressful time.

  9. This is GORGEOUS! I truly truly love it and must make one! WOW! :0) They will be blessed beyond measure for such an incredible and thoughtful gift!

  10. I absolutely love this. It's beautiful. What a sweet gift that your friends will treasure. Where did you get the breathtaking photo?

  11. As I read this, I said a small prayer for Paige. I love this plaque- how it looks, how you made it, the sentiment behind it, and how you are giving it as a gift at this difficult time. Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. I featured this post on my blog if you would like to stop by and grab a button!

  13. I clicked on this link thinking it was just a neat craft and never expecting such a touching story! I am SO glad I did click! We have a family member suffering from a brain tumor right now and I have been at a loss as to what I can do. This is it and I thank you SO much for posting this. This is fabulous and wonderful and I will keep little Paige in my prayers!

  14. I love this. What a wonderful gift! I am new to your blog and just love it. Thanks!

    Jill of

  15. So simple, yet powerful! I will have to do something similar for myself!

  16. Trina, I had no idea you made this! Makes me cry. Thanks so much, it is a beautiful picture and saying!
