Link parties


Valentine popcorn!

I thought I would post a fun and easy Valentine treat that you can do with your kids and one that is really yummy too! It would be great to give out as gifts if you have some clear gift bags, you could really make them cute!

I just air popped 1 batch of popcorn, which filled my bowl. I know you can use Microwave popcorn if you would like, it does give it a little bit different flavor, because it has butter already on it. Then put wax paper down in a cookie sheet (which I don't really know why I did that, I guess less clean up) and then poured the popcorn into cookie sheet.

Then I melted 3 cubes of white melting chocolate in microwave, in increments of 30 seconds until it was all melted. Then poured it over the popcorn.

Then in a cup I crushed up some left over candy canes from that gross???? It hasn't been that long.....

Then my big helper poured the crushed candy canes over the popcorn.

Then she added some sweethearts to the mix to give it some color.
Then I had some more help!

Isn't she cute???

It definitely was a hit!! Once the older kids (counting hubby) got home, it didn't last very long!

Super EASY!!!
which is what we like....right???


  1. it's so cute and festive! love white choc popcorn!!! loved your mint packages from yesterday too!

  2. Okay Martha, when you're famous I want you to remember who your friends were before you made it big! Cute ideas Vay Vay!

  3. Love this idea! You combined two of my faves; popcorn and chocolate. YUM!!

  4. Those look SO yummy!! What good little helpers you have!!
    Hey question: What is the name of the font in your header?
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!
