Link parties


Star wars Father's day gift idea

I ran onto this darling idea for a Father's day present!
We totally love Star Wars in our house, this would have been so funny to do for my husband!
You can find the tutorial over at Sandy Toes and Popsicles!!

So funny! You could totally use these ideas for a Star Wars birthday party!! Score!!


My Father's day gift!

I finally finished my gift for my father-in-law!
I love how it turned out!
Every man loves a BBQ basket!! Right???

Here is how I did the apron.
I used my silhouette and the heat transfer on it!
Super easy!
I got my idea from UCreate!!!


re-purposing: Long sleeve shirt to soccer shirt

I know I am on a sewing, re-purposing kick lately!
But I am slowly trying to make my way through my stash!

This was a super easy way of taking a long sleeve shirt and making it into a short sleeve,
then I just added the soccer ball with my silhouette using heat transfer.

I think I paid $1.00 for these shirts at Walmart in the early spring!
I love to stock up when they are on clearance!

I cute the sleeves off where I wanted them to be.
Then I cut a strip off the top of both of the sleeves (the sleeves I just cut off)

fold in length wise and pin all the way around

Then I slid the circle part I just made on top of the sleeve with raw edges together!
Does that make sense???
a closer look!!
then sew all the way around the sleeve, and you can iron it down to give it a more crisp look!
Now you have short sleeves!!! Awesome!

Then I added the soccer ball using my silhouette and heat transfer.
For more info on the heat transfer you can follow my steps Here

The best part about it is she loves it!!!


cupboard door art desk

I came across this darling idea over at icandy handmade!
She took a cupboard door and made these darling art desks from it!

Cupboard door art desks

Now I wish I would have saved the cupboard doors off of my old bathroom set when we re did our bathroom! Dang it!


Re-purposing: Dress to ruffle shirt

Another re-purposing post! I have been in the mood to sew I guess!
This has been my favorite so far though!

My mother in law was getting rid of some clothes,
and let me look through the bag before it went to the D.I.
and there was this dress that looked hardly worn.
The wheels started turning....
and this is what I came up with!

So first of all I cut off the bottom and had to take it in.
After I cut several inches off I turned it inside out and pinned it where I wanted to take it in.

Then on the seams I did a zigzag stitch to give it the surged look!

Then from the part I cut off, I cut it into strips,
then sewed the strips together and made ruffles out of it.
Then sewed the ruffles all the way around the neck and down the front!

Here is the back view!

I love how it turned I have to do one for myself!!