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Ice cream in a bag, jello ice cream and more!!

More fun things to do this summer!

We made ice cream in a bag, and it turned out so yummy!!
You have to try this with your kids...they would love it!!

It is so easy!

Ice cream in a bag
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • 3 cups crushed ice
  • 1 gallon size Ziploc bags
  • 2 sandwich size Ziploc bags
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup rock salt
In one of the small Ziploc baggies, mix together the milk, vanilla and sugar. Add additional toppings if desired (for chocolate ice cream, use chocolate milk). Squeeze excess air from the baggie and zip baggie tight. Double check for a tight seal. Place this bag in second sandwich baggie and close bag, also squeezing excess air from the bag. Then place the ice and rock salt (we used table salt and it worked) in the gallon sized bag and place your small bag in it and start shaking. It takes about 5 minutes! Enjoy!

This is another awesome idea!

Easy homemade ice cream from Jello

You can find the recipe Here

I had to throw this in just because it looked so good! I love ice cream!!

More fun things we have done this summer!

1 comment:

  1. That girls in the last picture is yummy spread apart your legs more for me bitch
