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Spring decorating ideas

Okay, first of all, I am soooo sick of winter!!!
I was at a soccer game this morning and froze my bottom off!!!!
I was sitting there....teeth chattering... thinking...hhmm.....I wonder if we will ever get spring....and I have come to the conclusion that we have about 10 months of winter and then 2 months of blasting hot!! So no, I don't think we are ever going to get spring, but maybe if I decorate enough, I can enjoy it in my little mind!!

I decided to look for some ideas to decorate my house for spring and try and get some spring feeling in my home.
So, I came across this fabulous blog this morning and fell in love with so much that she has posted!
Here are just a few pictures of some of the wonderful things she has!

I love brown eggs, that is all we had growing up~ It takes me back!

Isn't this green so wonderful!

I ran upon another great blog, called Color Sizzle with wonderful spring ideas!
The next six pictures come from her blog!

This just makes me want nice weather sooo bad!

I love hydrangeas!

I love lemons and limes in a vase with flowers!
It is so summery!

I love topiary's, and these are just too cute!
I am going to pray for spring!!!! I love warm more snow!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Trina,
    Thanks so much for featuring a few of my centerpieces! Happy Spring!
