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100 Followers and counting!!!

Well, I am so excited that I have reached 100 followers....103 to be exact!!! I honestly didn't know if I would ever get 100 followers, it actually came a lot faster than I thought! Thank you so much!!

So.....I promised when that happened that I would do a giveaway!!! I have been stressing out about what I would give away since about 50 followers!

I have been working on the giveaway all day......and it is almost tomorrow I will be doing my first giveaway!!! Are you so excited???

So tomorrow check back for the awesome giveaway!!!! I hope you like it!!!

See you tomorrow, bright and early....just is Saturday...I may actually get to sleep in!!!! Hooray!!! But don't forget to come enter!!!


  1. Congratulations, Trina! That is so exciting!! Can't wait to see the giveaway and enter :O).

  2. holy moley! here's to another 100 (or 500) more!)

  3. Whoo, congratulations!

    You should come and join in my 100 Followers Giveaway too ;)
