Link parties


My first award!!!

So I have been out of town all weekend (hence the lack of post....sorry), and we just got back late last night. But this morning I came down and read my email, and found that
Heather and Courtney have nominated me for the
Stylish Blogger Award!!

Wow!!! I am so fl
attered! How sweet! I was featured last week with my crepe paper wreath, which you can go check it out here, and now I am so excited about this award.

So first of all, I want to thank Heather and Courtney for nominating me! So the rules for excepting this award, is I have to list 7 things about me. So here they are!

1. I am a stay at home mom to 4 beautiful children! Megan, Micah, Brooke and Bella. I am married to the love of my life. I love to spend time with my family!

2. I am a licensed cosmetologist....I love to do hair!

3. I love to make things! I live to do crafts!

4. I love to play the piano and play sports

5. I have no brothers, I was raised with 3 sisters....we were all very mild

6. I really like to please people. I have a real problem with saying "NO" to people! I want everyone to like me! (Yes, this can be a real problem)

7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate! I am a big sweets lover! Okay, who are we kidding....I love good food!

Now, my job is to nominate new found bloggers for this award. Go check out their blogs! They are a lot of fun!

Corduroy Dreams
Natural me Creations
The Crafty CPA

Have you been awarded? What do you do now?

1. Acknowledge the person who awarded you by linking back to them in your post.

2. Share 7 random facts about yourself

3.Pass the award on to other new fellow bloggers

4.Contact each blogger to let them know that they have received the award; and let the giver' know that you have accepted the award.

Thanks again! This has been super fun! Have a great day, and I will be posting some super fun stuff this week. So visit again!!!