Link parties


Chalk board menu

I actually made this chalk board about a year ago. And I have absolutely loved it!
It is so nice to know what I am going to make that day and be able to plan ahead. I actually really like that it has only one week, I have found if I plan more than a week at a time, I don't follow it as good. So, anyway, I don't have every step in a picture, but it is very simple.

Supplies needed:
1 frame
1 string of beads
1 can of spray paint
1 can of chalk board paint
letters of the week (I just used stickers)
1 scrapbook paper
modge podge

So first you want to spray your frame and beads with the spray paint. I had to spray my beads a lot before they were all covered. So don't get frustrated, they will eventually cover!

Then I sprayed my glass with the chalk board paint. I think I did 3 coats, just to make sure it was covered.
Then I stuck my letter stickers of the week on my scrapbook paper and cut them to the size of the marbles and modge podged them on. Let them dry and then hot glue them to your glass, that is now a chalk board!
Are you following me???

Then put it all together, and you have yourself a chalk board menu!!!

Have fun and if you make one I would love to see it!!



  1. This is super cute!! Love it! Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is adorable! What a great idea.

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog :)

  3. That's a really great idea. I can't seem to plan more than 2-3 days ahead.
