Link parties


Re-purposing: Shirt to Cardigan

I have a HUGE stash of clothes that I don't wear anymore, but don't want to give away (Heaven's no)...and have an idea of what I want to do with every single last one of em!!

But they have sat in a pile for months....and months....

But I am proud to say this week I have gotten several of them done...this being one of them.

I took this plain Jane, black, long sleeve shirt and cut it right down the middle!

If you couldn't picture that...well here is a picture to show you!

Then I took this other black polo shirt that I haven't worn in months...maybe years and cut it up!

I cut it in strips, starting from the bottom...oh and I saved the top part, because yes, I have a plan for it too! Waste not...want not....
I sewed all those strips together and then ruffled them by sewing a large basting stitch at the top and pulling the bottom thread to create ruffles.
I did it in about 2 foot increments. Don't try and sew it all the way down and think you can pull that bottom thread for the whole thing...won't work! I have learned this the hard way!

With what I had left over in ruffles I made this flower and pinned it on!

I HATE modeling...and I think all my neighbors think I am weird...or vain. I feel funny having my daughter take pictures of me, I am sure they think I am so vain!
I do love how it turned out though...even if my husband said I look like I am going to play in a concert...what a weirdo! :)


Ice cream in a bag, jello ice cream and more!!

More fun things to do this summer!

We made ice cream in a bag, and it turned out so yummy!!
You have to try this with your kids...they would love it!!

It is so easy!

Ice cream in a bag
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • 3 cups crushed ice
  • 1 gallon size Ziploc bags
  • 2 sandwich size Ziploc bags
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup rock salt
In one of the small Ziploc baggies, mix together the milk, vanilla and sugar. Add additional toppings if desired (for chocolate ice cream, use chocolate milk). Squeeze excess air from the baggie and zip baggie tight. Double check for a tight seal. Place this bag in second sandwich baggie and close bag, also squeezing excess air from the bag. Then place the ice and rock salt (we used table salt and it worked) in the gallon sized bag and place your small bag in it and start shaking. It takes about 5 minutes! Enjoy!

This is another awesome idea!

Easy homemade ice cream from Jello

You can find the recipe Here

I had to throw this in just because it looked so good! I love ice cream!!

More fun things we have done this summer!


Peanut butter Playdough

More Kid Fun!!

Honestly my kids loved this!!!

It has kept them entertained for...well...awhile!!

They loved this...not only is it fun to play with, but it tastes good too!!
This is an old recipe that my mom use to make when I was a kid!


1 c. creamy peanut butter
1 1/4 c. dry milk
1 c. light corn syrup
1 1/4 c. powdered sugar

Blend peanut butter and syrup in large mixing bowl. Sift dry milk and powdered sugar together and all at once. Mix all together with a spoon, then with hands, knead in dry ingredients. Use as you would any play dough and you can eat it too!


Hand print quilt

I am going to veer away from this weeks theme of fun kids summer ideas
because I happened onto this super fun quilt idea!

Hand Print Quilt Teacher gift idea

Mandy over at Sugar Bee Crafts did this hand print quilt for her daughters teacher!
It has all of the kids hand prints from their class!
She is more ambitious than I am!!!

Sooo cute!


Strawberry sprinkles

Another thing that we have done that my kids absolutely
loved was dipping strawberries in white chocolate and sprinkles.

You could dip them in regular chocolate as well, and use any kind of sprinkles.

The nice thing about this is they get a serving of fruit while doing this!!
(a serving of sugar too)

More kid fun tomorrow!!


Summer activities for kids!!

This week I will be posting some fun things to do with your kids since it is summer break!
If your kids are like mine,
the more things you have to do with them...the less you hear them fight!!

My girls really like to do crafts,
so I am going to try and be a better mother
and spend more time doing fun things this sumer!!

This is a fun craft to do with them.

water colors
tissue paper
a straw

The first thing you do is get your paint brush fairly wet and dab a good amount of paint at the bottom of your paper.

Then take your straw and blow the paint up...making your tree or flower stem

Then take some glue and dab it where you want your leaves or flowers to go

Then wad up a small amount of tissue paper and stick it on the glue!
Your kids will love it!

My daughter did this one, and I thought it was so cute...and creative!

another idea for a tree...

This is my favorite...think of how darling this would be in the fall with orange, brown, yellow and red!!!

I will see you tomorrow with more fun summer activities to do with your kids!!