Link parties



This giveaway is closed!!
Thanks everyone for entering!

Would you like to win one of these???

I have honestly been super nervous for this giveaway!! I think they turned out really cute, but I am worried that nobody else will think that! Do you ever worry about that or am I weird????

Anyway, so here it is:

Easter version

Spring version

I thought I would give the winner a choice between the Easter egg one, or the flower...more springy one!

Here is a close up of each tile!

I will post the tutorial later this week....or today...I don't know! Whenever I get a chance!

Now the Spring version:
Now, how to enter!!!!

You can enter up to 3 times per person!

1. Follow me and leave me a comment that you do, or already do.
2. Let me know what your favorite one is....the spring or Easter version.
3. Browse around past projects that I have done and let me know what your favorite is!

So, there you have it! Super easy way to get 3 entries!!

I will leave it open until Friday March 25th!!


100 Followers and counting!!!

Well, I am so excited that I have reached 100 followers....103 to be exact!!! I honestly didn't know if I would ever get 100 followers, it actually came a lot faster than I thought! Thank you so much!!

So.....I promised when that happened that I would do a giveaway!!! I have been stressing out about what I would give away since about 50 followers!

I have been working on the giveaway all day......and it is almost tomorrow I will be doing my first giveaway!!! Are you so excited???

So tomorrow check back for the awesome giveaway!!!! I hope you like it!!!

See you tomorrow, bright and early....just is Saturday...I may actually get to sleep in!!!! Hooray!!! But don't forget to come enter!!!

Friday Favorites

It is time for Friday Favorites! These are just a few of the things that caught my eye this week!

I fell in love with these necklaces! I want to make some so bad!
You can find out how to make them Here

I love spring! This is such a cute idea! I love how colorful it is! It is so springy! (Is that even a word?) Anyway, check it out Here

I am in love with sunburst mirrors, and this one caught my eye! I love it! I am going to try to make one sometime!!! This one is so cute! You can find it Here

I love how bright this wreath is! It is such a simple idea! I love it!
Go check out how she made it Here!

I love cupcake stands, which I am still going to make one, but I have never seen anything like these mini cupcake stands! How clever!

This is such a fun idea! I love how simple this wreath is, but it is so cute! I love the spring colors! You can find out how to do this Here

You have to go check out this Dora Birthday! She did some amazing things! I am so jealous!
We absolutely love Dora at my house!!


Safety Pin Necklace

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today I am going to show you how to make your own safety pin necklace!

I started with a bunch of safety pins, some stretch cord (.8 mm) and some beads from an old necklace.

I just started to feed the beads onto the safety pins.

Then I fed the cord threw the bottom of all the safety pins and then put my beads on the cord on both sided, in whatever way you would want them to be.

Once you have all of your beads in the order you want, and make sure you measure on yourself where you want your necklace to hang, then you can add your lobster claws.

Feed them on the cord.

Tie a square not in the stretch cord, right where you want your lobster claw to be. I added a drop of super glue just to ensure that my not wouldn't come undone, just make sure it is where you want it before you add super glue.

Now you have made your own necklace! I love how this turned out, I think I am going to make different colored necklaces, and I might whip out a bracelet or stay tuned!

Perfect for St. Patrick's Day!!!!

Now I am off to get my corned beef and cabbage started!!! Yum Yum!!!


Rainbow birthday card

It is my daughter Brooke's 4th birthday today! She is having care bear birthday party today, so I will be posting that next week! This is the birthday card that I made her.

I used a white sketch pen and sketched happy birthday with my silhouette! I love that thing!
Then I cut out the words and used 3-D dots to raise it up.

I took Elmer's glue and spread it all over the clouds and added some glitter to it!

I think it turned out pretty cute!!!

Happy Birthday Brooke!!!


"Lucky" decorative board

This is my "Lucky" decorative board (I don't know what else to call it)

I kind of thought this up as I went along, but I absolutely love how it turned out!

I started off with some scrapbook paper, paint brush, mod podge and the bottom of an old dresser. It is just some particle board. You could use any wood though.

The first step is to cut your scrapbook paper into squares. It doesn't matter what size, just as long as they are all the same size.

Now you should have several different colors of squares

I first laid them all out on my board to get an idea of how I wanted it to look

Then I started to glue them on the board.

Make sure you are getting all the bubbles out as you go. Use a finger that doesn't have any glue on it to spread the paper flat.

Then once you have all your squares glued on I turned my board over and trimmed off most of the over lapping paper, leaving about 1/2 in.

Then I glued what was left to the back of the board, so the sides were covered in paper as well.

This is what you should have so far.

Now start spreading Mod Podge all over the front, I was pretty generous with it too. I wanted it all covered really well.
Then let it dry completely.

I wanted a little bit of a rustic look, so I took some Minwax wood finish to it.

I took an old rag and dipped and spread it all over the board. I wiped most of it off, but I liked the rustic look.

I then took a piece of brown 12x12 card stock and added my the vinyl that I wanted.
I just glued it on and added more mod podge over all of it.
I wanted to give it a more framed look, so I took some brown ribbon and glued it all the way around.

I added a little jewel to the shamrock
I think it turned out pretty cute! I think I am going to keep this up year round!!!