Link parties


Stuffed animal blanket

My good friend just had a baby and I wanted to make her something cute.
I was in Porters and saw these darling stuffed animal blankets and thought I would give it a try!

The hardest part was finding a stuffed animal that you were willing to cold blood!!
This really did feel wrong!!
For a great tutorial on cutting animals and if you want to see how to make this into a scarf go Here!

After you cut your animal in half, take out some of the stuffing and pin it inside your blanket. Remember to put your fabric wrong side out, and leave several inches to turn it right side out once your blanket it sewn all the way around.

And now you have a darling stuffed animal blanket!


Temple blocks

I made these temple blocks for Christmas presents last year....yes you heard me right,
I am just getting around to posting it!

I found this awesome tutorial, and you can use the pictures that she has already!!!
They are super easy!

I just printed the pictures at Costco, mod-podged them on a already painted wood block and added some ribbon!

So cute!


Sponge Balls

I saw these somewhere.....I honestly can't remember where!
But my kids have had so much fun with them!

They LOVE to have water fights and this is the perfect way to have one!

So you start with some sponges, I later bought some from the dollar store that worked great, and cut them into strips.

Then I took some yard and tied it around the middle of the sponges and double knotted it!And there you have a sponge ball!

So easy and fun for the kids!!!


4th of July tutu

I love these cute little tutu's and decided to make a red white
and blue one for the 4th of July!

If you want a tutorial on how to make it you can check out my rainbow tutu tutorial Here

My other daughter wanted a piece of the tutu action too!!

She was totally not cooperating in these pictures, and she was not happy with me.
You see my pertty blue flowers there she is sitting next to...well, she was so mad that I was taking a picture of her, that she grabbed a handful and ripped them out!
Naughty baby!!


4th of July outfit!

I made this 4th of July outfit for my daughter last year actually, so I don't have a tutorial on it.

It was super easy though.

I just took a love sleeve shirt and cut of the sleeves then made some bias out of the star knit and sewed it around the arm holes.
And added 3 strips of ruffles to the front.

For the skirt:

I just made a simple skirt and added a ruffle to the bottom.
So easy!

I think it turned out cute!

I had to add this picture, I think she had the cutest profile ever!!

Happy 4th of July!


Home-ade playdough

We love playdough at our house! It entertains my kids for hours...okay nothing entertains them for hours, but for awhile anyway!

This is before we added the food coloring!
Play dough recipe:

Mix together dry ingredients:
2 cups white flour
1 cup salt
4 tsp. cream of tarter

add 2 cups of boiling water, 4 T. oil, and 1 tsp. food coloring.

pour liquids into the dry ingredients and stir well. When slightly cooled, knead for a few minutes until smooth.

(I had to add quite a bit more flour so it wasn't so sticky, just play around with it)

This is just an easy idea for a gift!
Add some cookie cutters and you have the perfect inexpensive gift that every kid loves!
We gave this set to a nephew on his birthday!


4th of July banner

I have been wanting to make a banner for a long time and finally did the other day!
This is no way my original idea, but I still wanted to try!

I love how it turned out and the best part was it took just a few minutes!

First I figured out how long I wanted my triangles and cut a strip

Then cut into triangles

Then I just hot glued the triangles onto my ribbon, and that is all!
Soooo easy!!!

I also took some of the left over fabric and tied strips around my candles.

Now we are a little more patriotic!!


Cute 4th of July decorations!

As I have mentioned, I love the 4th of July and while browsing around I found these darling decorations over at The Happy Scraps

4th of July Decorations

So cute and easy!!

I really am heading out of town tonight!! I just can't stop blogging!!!