Link parties


Friday Favorites

I fell in love with this darling shadow box idea!
It looks relatively easy, and it is just so cute!

I just love Laura over at Live.Laugh.Photograph. So go check out how she makes this!! Awesome!

Meanwhile....I am working on learning this new machine! I just got it the other day! I am soooo excited about this purchase!

So much better than what I had!

So the next couple of days are devoted to this!!!



I ordered this baby from Costco about a week ago...and it is here!!!!

I am so excited!!!
I can hardly wait to get this thing set I am taking today and maybe tomorrow to mess around with this!!! So.....stay tuned!
Just think of all the stuff I can make with this!!!

I wanted to post this amazing deal I ran onto.....after mine was purchased.
It is also a brother sewing machine for $112!!!!

You can look at it Here!

I hope Brother is a good sewing machine...I will soon find out!


Teacher appreciation day!!!

I woke up this morning and remembered it was Teacher appreciation day!

So since I have procrastinated getting something ready, I had about 10 minutes to throw something together.

It was Micah's birthday yesterday, so we had some donuts left over, so I threw this together!

I know it is nothing fabulous, but I tried to keep it simple....after my disaster birthday cake yesterday! More on that later!!!!

It made the kids happy, and hopefully it will get the point across to their teachers how much we appreciate all they do!!!


Spring dress

First of all.....Happy belated Mother's day!!!

Sorry about the lack of posts, but we had a super busy weekend with family! A lot going on!!!

Here is the easiest dress you will ever make!

I was in Joann's the other day and happened on this darling fabric. It is all pre-hemmed and shirred. The draw back is the price. It is sold by the inch. So make sure you use a coupon on it!!

My youngest daughter fell in love with this Dora material! It was super hard to cut it because every time I laid it flat she would grab it! I guess I will have to make one for her too!!

Here it is before I did anything to it! It is almost done when you get it! It is so simple!

I sewed it up the back and added some ribbon for the straps and that is about all!

Here it is after I sewed up the back, but before I added straps.

I seriously sewed this dress in about 15 minutes, from start to finish!

I think it was a big hit!

I was in trouble for not getting the Tangled one too!
Next coupon!!!

How cute!! I just love being a mom!!!