Link parties


Friday Favorites

This week I must have been hungry! So many of these are food...but they looked too good!

I have made these flowers before...but they never turned out this cute!
See how to make them here

This is such a cute idea! My kids totally want to try this!

This wreath is just too cute!

These are such a cute cad-berry eggs are to die for
you can find it here

Check out the recipe for these Jell-O Easter egg cookies!

I love these! They look so good! What a great idea!]
check it out Here

I absolutely love this Easter hair clip! It is super cute!!


72 hour kits

For the past few months, I have been thinking a lot about preparedness. Our church suggests having a 72 hour kit prepared for emergencies or disasters. I did some for us several years ago, but we took all the food out and never replaced it, and all the clothes were way too small for all my kids...not to mention I had another child.

So this week....on top of doing our bathrooms, I took the project on.

This is one of the packs for my kids. When I had my last baby, all of my kids got these cute little sling backpacks from the hospital...I saved them and they worked perfect for this project!

Here is the food menu I followed
This is for one person

Day 1
Breakfast: Oatmeal, Granola Bar, Hot chocolate
Lunch: Jerky, Apple Cider, Fruit Roll-up
Supper: canned soup, crackers
snacks: candy (I did sweedish fish)

Day 2
Breakfast: Oatmeal, half a cup of trail mix, hot chocolate
Lunch: Jerky, granola bar, cider
supper: soup, crackers
snacks: candy, fruit roll up

Day 3
Breakfast: oatmeal, trail mix
lunch: cup of noodles, crackers
supper: 2 granola bars, fruit roll up
snacks: half a cup of trail mix, candy

keep in mind that this is not going to be super filling meals, it is only to sustain you until you can get to better facilities.

In each pack:
1 blanket
a pair of sweats
2 liters of water
underwear and socks

And then we had a bucket with the things that the whole family would need.

Battery Lighting (Flashlights, Lamps, etc.) Don't forget batteries!
Extra Batteries
Water-Proof Matches
Radio (with batteries!)
Pen and Paper
Pocket Knife
Personal Supplies and Medication
trash bags
first aid kit
toilet paper
hand sanitizer
toothbrushes and toothpaste

You can Google this and there is tons of information out there!

This is all of our kits
I hope this helps and encourages you to be prepared! You never know when something disastrous will happen...hopefully never!


My canvas the bathroom

So, as promised, I am going to show how I made these canvases for my bathroom.

They were so easy!

I actually had purchased these canvases for another project that I had in mind, but this idea popped in my was so nice actually to already have some on hand! That is what happens when you are a craft hoarder!!!

I started out painting them tan....didn't like it.....then baby poop brown...still didn't like it...then dark brown....and I liked it!

In this picture you can still see the many shades of brown it was!

Then add your vinyl!
I absolutely love my silhouette.....I love it almost as much as a child....all most!!!
Speaking of my silhouette...the other day my littlest child pulled it off of the table...oh my heck....I came unglued!!! It was all right...but man....I thought someone took my heart and just ripped it out of my chest! Don't mess with my silhouette!!!!!!

Then I put a layer of this sparkle stuff on.....I like it, but the man of the house didn't...he doesn't like sparkles! Come on!!!

I love how they turned out! Even in their sparkling state!!!


Bathroom remodel

We have been busy remodeling our bathroom this week!
I absolutely love to redo things in our house....the only problem is, is that it is sooo expensive, but totally worth it!

I mean look at how ugly this bathroom is!!!!

I can't even stand to look at these pictures....that is how bad I hated it!

Before pictures:

I am almost embarrassed to show this mirror! Can you believe we were living with it half broken down?
First of all my good husband re-textured the whole thing, then the paint went up!

Here is the old vanity set on the porch...this picture is right before it found it's new the dump!!!

Oh....I hate this thing!

Now, is the time to reveal the new bathroom.....

Ta Da!!!

Here it is!

I just love how it turned out! It just has a whole new feel to it!

Isn't that mirror much better???

I will demonstrate how I did these cute little wall hangings later this week!!!

And now onto the next project!!! The doors! Oh boy!


Taco braid

My kids love this recipe!
It is so good and simple!
I used my bread recipe found Here
Roll out your dough
Spread a can of refried beans down the middle
Then spread taco meat over the beans
and then spread cheese over the taco meat

Cut slits in the dough, on the sides and lay them over the meat mixture, making it look like a braid!
Bake it for about 25 minutes.
Serve with sour cream, tomatoes, olives, cilantro...whatever toppings you like!