Link parties


Puppy birthday party!

We had so much fun decorating and planning for this party!

I took boxes and wrapped them in this cute paw printed wrapping paper and then wrapped ribbon around the bottom of them.

I took a pink table cloth and then added some wrapping paper down the middle to give it some more color. Then I used some dogs we had around the house for the center piece.

I think this was their favorite part. They got to pick out a puppy to take home.

For the party favors we took dog dishes and added some cocoa puffs to make it look like dog food. I also threw in some bubble gum and made a bow for each girl.

I made these bows for all the girls to add to their party favors!

This is my lame attempt at a birthday cake! It was the last thing I did and I was super rushed! It shows....unfortunately!

The girls had pizza, we painted their faces, they wore puppy ears, decorated frames, and played games.
Here are all the cute girls with their doggy ears and faces painted.
For the ears, I just took a headband and glued on some ears I cut out of felt.

And here is the birthday girl!

I had to add this picture because it was just too cute not to add!

I've been featured!!!!

Wow, I am so flattered! I was featured for the first time!

Remember this little project!
Well, it is the project that got me featured!

Go check it out over at Bella before and after!

Thanks Bella so much! It made my whole day, I meant week!!!


It is all about me.....okay not really!

I thought I would do something different today!

So, it is my daughters birthday today so I am going to try and focus completely on her today....therefore I am not going to post any crafts or tutorials! Oh yah, did you enjoy the last tutorial? I hope it wasn't lame!!

Anyway, I was just going to share a little bit about me today, since I don't feel like I have enough time to do anything else.

First of all I want to share how much I have enjoyed doing this blog! I have been obsessed with it! I check a hundred times a day to see if I have gotten anymore followers or comments. Oh, thanks to anyone who follows me....I love you!!!!!

I have had many sleepless nights over this blog. I kind of feel kind of dumb over it and maybe lame, but it is something I love! I have always loved to do things with my hands! My mind is just geared toward crafts, and creating! I think the thing that I have enjoyed so much about this blog is getting positive reinforcement about things I make. I usually make something, and I am so excited about it, and I show my husband, and he says something like, "Good job", or "that's cool." Okay, that doesn't suffice me! I have really enjoyed having someone be excited about something I have made, or want to try and make one too! That is awesome!

So, I won't make this post too long, but I want to thank everyone for making this happen for me! I have some great support, my daughter being #1 (she told me forever ago to do this), my husband has been great too, my sisters and mom have been great to show support, and Kim from A girl and a glue gun, has been awesome to help me! If you haven't already, go check out her blog, it is great! So thanks everyone!

I wanted to also share some things about me, so you can feel like you know me better. I come from a family of all girls. I have 3 sisters. My dad passed away a year ago from cancer, but my mom still lives about an hour away. We are all very close.
I have been married for 10 years now! I have 4 kids, ages 9, 6, 3, and 1. 3 girls and 1 boy. They keep me busy!
I am actually a cosmetologist, and do a lot of hair out of my house, a piano teacher, primary chorister, I love to play volleyball (which I do every Wednesday), and I do crafts, painting, sewing, etc... when I have the time!

So and you can see I am busy, busy, but I am going to try and post something daily! I want to keep my readers happy!

and like Kim has said, this wouldn't be a post with out a I will add some pictures.
And of course they will be of my kids!! Because they are the center of my world!!!

Awww, so cute!!


Scripture Bag

To start off, I want to let you know I am no seamstress. I have taught myself to sew, and so it isn't always pretty. I do a lot of trial and error. I don't know all the sewing terminology. So for your beginner sewers, my tutorials might be helpful. Just please....don't laugh! This is my first attempt at a sewing tutorial.

My daughters birthday is tomorrow, and she wanted scriptures and a bag. So, I attempted to make a scritpure bag. I don't think it turned out too bad; I at least think she will be happy.

These are the two fabrics I picked

I cut my polka dot fabric 13x20
and my pink fabric 13x24
I cut my pink fabric longer so I could have an overlap of pink on my polka dots.
(Does this make sense)

Then put your fabrics wrong sides together, leaving two inches of pink on each end.

Now fold your pink fabric in two inches

Sew all the way around, leaving an opening to turn it right sides out.

Turn it right side out, sew your opening closed, and it should look something like this.

Now sew all the way around it and sew your pink flap down, just to make it lay better.

Put wrong sides together and sew up each side

Now that you have it sewn together, still inside out, take the bottom corner and sew a straight line to make a triangle

Sew a straight line on both corners

Now you have a bag

I bought these little handles at Joanns. They make the project super easy!

It is always a battle to get any project done with little ones around. I decided to show this picture because I thought it was funny that right at the last second she went for the pin. She is so obsessed with my pin cushion. I usually have her on my lap, or right in the middle of whatever I'm doing! It is so fun!!!

I was trying to show how I pinned a little piece of ribbon on to hold the handle on.

Then sew the ribbon down.

I then sewed (I actually hot glued, shhhhh don't tell anyone, I was tired by this point) the little bows. I think it adds a lot!

And your done! If I can do it, you can!!! It is nothing fancy, but it will do the job!!
I think I will have a happy little girl!!


Created by.....giveaway!

Over at Corduroy Dreams, she is doing an awesome giveaway! I fell in love with these Created by plaques. They are for displaying your children's art.....which we all have plenty of that cluttering our fridges! I am going to make these for sure for each of my kids. Go check it out, and enter the giveaway! So cute!

Chore Chart

Do you ever feel like this???

Well, I do way too often! With four kids, I feel like I am constantly harping on them to get their chores done! It about drives me CRAZY!!! So I was talking to my sister and she showed me a chore chart she made for her kids, and it gave me the idea to create one. So here is the chore chart I and white to match my kitchen, but I through in some pink it give it some color!

The top part are the chores to do, and when they complete them, they put them in the bottom pockets that say jobs done! I fill their pockets with the chores in the morning, and they have to have all their chores in the bottom pockets in order to play with friends!

The pink chores are chores they do every day after they get home from school.

The white chores are chores that are on occasion, and I choose which chore they have to do and when.

And black chores are morning chores, they are suppose to get these done before school!

It works some of the time, I wish I had the perfect solution to making a perfect household, but I don't. So I try charts, and rewards, and they get sick of them and then I try something else. If you have a chore chart, or an idea of how to get your kids to do their work, I would love to see it!